Gambling Terminology and Glossary

The online gambling world has its own language and terminology that is used by online players. Acronyms, abbreviations, and slang words were invented by players as a faster way to communicate with one another. Of course, for every gaming genre, there is a unique set of terms. For example, there are gambling terms used by gamers, terms used by online gamblers, and common acronyms used in everyday conversation via text or email and can be used while playing any game, such as “brb” for “be right back.” We’ve listed the terms most often used in the gambling world whether that be in the chat rooms, forums, and/or blogs.


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These terms are used in gambling, most commonly in Sports Betting and Poker related games.

Poker-Related Terms:

AC: It stands for Atlantic City. For example, “This game follows AC rules”.

ACTION: To bet or raise. Also used to describe a game in which there is a lot of both betting and raising

AFAIK: It is an abbreviation for “As Far As I Know”. For example, “AFAIK, he is not here”.

AI: This is when a player raises or calls a bet that includes all of the money or chips he has on the table, it stands for “All-In”.

AIPF: This is when a player goes “All-In” before the flop is dealt, which means he goes all in after getting the initial two cards, it is short for “All-In Pre Flop”

ANTE: A small bet all players are required to make before a hand is dealt. An ante is similar to a blind and gives the pot a value right off the bat.

ATC: It is short for “Any Two Cards”. For example, “You can choose ATC”.

Ax: It is a term used to describe players who get an Ace with any 2nd card.

Ax: It is a term used to describe players who get an Ace with any 2nd card.

BACKDOOR: Hitting your needed cards on the turn and the river to make your hand. For example, if there’s one heart on the board and you have two in your hand and two more hearts show up on the turn and river, you’ve hit a “backdoor” flush.

BAD BEAT: When a player who initially had a substantial statistical lead over an opponent loses his hand to that opponent after the flop, turn, or river.

BAD BEAT STORY: A retelling or recollection of a bad beat. These are often boring tales you already know the end of. For example: “I had ace-king, and my opponent had 2-3. There was an ace on the board. The turn was a 4, and then – Can you believe it? – the river was a 5!”

BB: It stands for “Big Blind”. A blind is an obligatory bet that players have to place before they are dealt any cards. It can also stand for Big Bet. It is understood by the following sentence. i.e, “I hate the games that have an initial BB” (Big Blind). Another example would be, “I always start the game with a BB” (Big Bet).

BB/100: It is a standard measure of the win percentage, which stands for Big Bets per one-hundred poker hands.

B/C: It stands for Bet & Call a Raise. It is an option for players at most poker rooms, and they select it to automatically call any raise. Players only do that when they have a strong hand.

B/F: It is the opposite of the previous one, It is Bet & Fold to a Raise.

BOARD: The community cards that everyone uses in combination with their pocket cards to form the best hand.

BUBBLE: In a tournament, the bubble is the top finisher. For instance, if there are 450 players in a tournament and the top 45 get paid, then 46th place is known as “the bubble.”

BURN: The discarding of the top card before each betting round. In the case that there is a distinguishing mark on the top card, the burn card keeps the next card to be dealt, concealed before it comes out. That way no unfair information is being intentionally or unintentionally conveyed.

BR: It is short for Bank Roll, which is the money that players have in their balance.

BUTTON: The position of the dealer. In live poker, it’s usually denoted by placing a plastic disk in front of the dealer. It rotates clockwise each time the dealer shuffles a new hand. The button is in an advantageous position, the last to bet in a round.

BUY-IN: The cost to enter a tournament, or the minimum amount needed at a specific table. Usually 20 times the big blind. For example, if you’re at a $5/$10 table, you’ll need $200 to take a seat.

BWDIK: It is short for “But What Do I Know”. For example, “I don’t think he has a straight, BWDIK”

CALL: To contribute the necessary minimum amount of money to the pot in order to continue playing a hand.

CHECK-RAISE: This is when a player checks on the first opportunity to bet and later raises any subsequent bet in the same betting round.

CK: It stands for “Check”, which is when players do not raise or fold.

COLD CALL: It stands for “Check”, which is when players do not raise or fold.

CONNECTOR: Sequential pocket cards. A 5 of clubs and 6 of hearts would be connectors. If the connectors are the same suit, they are “suited connectors”

COMMUNITY CARDS: Cards that are dealt face up in the center of the table, available to all players to use in making a hand.

COUNTERFEIT: A duplicate card on the board that greatly devalues your hand. If you have a pair of 6’s in your hand, the board is ace-ace-7-4, and the river card is a 7, you’ve been “counterfeited.” You had two pairs, but now the board has two better pairs. Any other player with a card higher than a 6 in his hand will then beat your hand.

CUT-OFF: To call two or more bets. If a pot has been bet and raised before it gets to you, and you then call, you’re cold calling.

DD: You’re drawing, but it’s futile because there is not one card in the deck that will create a winning hand for you. If you have two pairs and hope to make a full house on the river, but your opponent already has four of a kind, you are “drawing dead.”

DEALER BUTTON: The button (often a plastic disk in live poker) indicates the dealer. It is passed clockwise after every hand.

DRAW: Remaining in a hand in the hopes of improving it. For example, you don’t have anything concrete yet but need one or more cards for a straight or a flush. If you call (or raise) a round of betting to see if you receive the needed card(s), you are said to be “drawing.” The two most common draws are flush draws (drawing for a flush) and straight draws (drawing for a straight). You can also draw for a three-of-a-kind, full house, or better.

DRAW OUT: To receive a card that transforms your hand from a losing hand to a winning hand.

DP: It stands for one of the favored types of poker games, “Draw Poker”.

FT: It has three meanings, which differ according to the sentence itself. These meanings are Full Tilt (a well-known poker room), Final Table, which is the final poker table in a tournament, or Full Table, which is a table that does not have any empty seats.

FLOP: The first three community cards are dealt out after the first round of betting is complete.

FLUSH: A poker hand consisting of five cards of the same suit.

FOLD: To give up by placing your cards face down on the table, losing whatever you have bet so far. You only fold when you think your hand is too weak to compete against the other players.

FOUR OF A KIND: A hand containing all four cards with the same standing.

HE: It is short for another popular poker type that is called Texas Hold’ EM Poker.

HEAP: It stands for Texas Hold’ EM Poker for Advanced Players.

FH: It is short for one of the strongest poker hands namely “Full House”.

FT: It has three meanings, which differ according to the sentence itself. These meanings are Full Tilt (a well-known poker room), Final Table, which is the final poker table in a tournament, or Full Table, which is a table that does not have any empty seats.

GG: It is short for Good Game. It is commonly said by players at the end of a game or a poker hand.

GL: It is short for “Good Luck”.

GTD: It stands for Guaranteed. It is used in this way, e.g. “1M GTD Tournament” which means that this tournament has a guaranteed prize of 1 million.

GUTSHOT: A straight completed from “inside” by one possible card. For example, if your pocket cards are 5 and 6 and the flop shows 4-8-king, a 7 and only a 7 on the turn or river would complete your “gutshot” straight. It is the opposite of an open-ended straight, which is completed by any one of two cards from the outside. A gutshot is half as likely to hit as an open-ended straight.

HAND: Five cards-player’s pocket cards and the community cards.

HEADS-UP: Playing a pot or a tournament against only one other player.

HH: It stands for Hand History; it is a feature in some games, which enables players to see their hand history.

HIGH CARD: In a hand of poker that has 5 different cards that do not form any kind of match, the highest card is the high card and it is only useful against another hand of 5 unmatched cards during a showdown.

HORSE: It is a poker game that does not follow one poker type; instead, it rotates through different poker types that are represented by each letter. These letters are H for Hold ‘Em, O for Omaha, R for Razz, S for Stud, and E for Eight or Better.

IMPLIED ODDS: Taking future calls from your fellow players into consideration when you are drawing to something. If you draw successfully, you expect they’ll call with their hands. These funds are speculative and not concrete, as they aren’t in the middle yet and won’t be unless you hit your card and they call your bets – hence, “implied.”

KICKER: If you have the same hand as another player at showdown, the one with the highest kicker wins the pot. If the board is 7-7-5-5-2, and you have ace-king and your opponent has king-queen, you win because your ace beats his king. Your ace is the “kicker.”

LATE POSITION: Position on a round of betting where the player must act after most of the other players have acted (usually considered to be the two positions next to the button).

LIMP: A structure of the game in which bets and raises are capped at a fixed amount.

MHIG: It is used by players to indicate that they have a good hand and stands for My Hand Is Good.

MHING: It is the opposite of the previous term. It stands for My Hand Is Not Good.

ML: It refers to games that have a medium limit, as it is short for Middle Limit.

MTT: It is a term used to describe tournaments that have more than one table in it, as it is short for Multi-Table Tournament.

MUCK: All the discarded cards in a hand. If a player folds, he tosses his hand “into the muck.”

STT: It is the opposite of the previous term; it refers to tournaments with one table, as it is short for Single Table Tournament.

NH: It is short for Nice Hand; it is what players say to compliment other players if they have a good winning hand.

NO-LIMIT: A structure of the game in which players can bet their entire stack. There’s a minimum to what you can bet, but not a maximum.

NUTS: The best possible hand one can have at any given moment. For example, if you have pocket 7’s, and the flop is 7-6-2, you have the “nuts” at this point, as trip 7’s would be the best possible hand. If the turn card is a 5, you would no longer have the nuts, as that honor now goes to anyone holding 8-9, making a straight. If the river is the last 7, you’d again have the nuts, as your hand is once again the best possible hand.

NT: It is what is said to players when they play a good hand but lose. It is short for “Nice Try”.

OFF-SUIT: Holding pocket cards of different suits.

OMAHA: A variety of hold ‘em in which players receive 4 hole cards and must use exactly two of them, together with 3 of the 5 board cards, to make a hand.

OVER-PAIR: In hold ‘em, a pair in the hole that is larger than any community card on the board.

OPEN-ENDED: A straight completed from the outside by one of two possible cards. For example, if your pocket cards are 5-6 and the flop shows 4-7-king, either a 3 or an 8 on the turn or river would complete your open-ended straight. An open-ended straight is twice as likely to hit as a “gutshot.”

OUT: A card that will improve your hand. If all the money is in the middle, and you turn over a pair of kings and your opponent has a pair of aces, you need one of the two remaining kings – your two “outs” – to beat your opponent.

OVER-CARDS: Having cards higher than the board cards or your opponent’s pocket. For example, if it’s heads up and someone’s all-in, the two remaining players would expose their cards. If it is a pair of sevens versus ace-king, the ace and king are referred to as “over-cards.”

PAIR: Two cards of the same rank.

POCKET CARDS: The cards in your hand are not part of the community cards. In Hold’em, it’s your two down cards. In Omaha, it’s your four down cards. Also known as hole cards.

POT: The place in the center of the poker table where wagered chips are placed. The winner of the hand wins all the chips in the pot.

POT-COMMITTED: A situation that likely requires you to call due to the amount of money in the pot vis-a-vis your remaining stack of chips. In these situations, it makes no sense to fold.

POT-LIMIT: A structure of the game in which bets and raises are capped by the current size of the pot.

POT ODDS: The ratio of money in the pot compared to what you need to call to keep playing. For example, suppose there is $100 in the pot. Somebody bets $10, so the pot now contains $110. It costs you $10 to call, so your pot odds are 11-to-1. Do you think the odds of your hand being the best are better than 11-to-1? If so, you should call.

PF: It is short for Pre Flop, which refers to anything that happens before the dealer deals the three cards that represent the flop on the poker table.

PFR: It refers to a player who raises the stakes before the flop is dealt. It is short for Pre-Flop Raiser.

PL: It refers to the limit of the pot, it is short for Pot-Limit.

PP: It is short for “Pocket Pair” which means that the player has a pair of identical cards in his pocket (the initial two cards).

PTL and PTR: They are terms that refer to players depending on the position of the speaker. PTL stands for “Player to my Left” while PTR stands for “Player to my Right”.

QUADS: Four of a kind.

RAINBOW: In flop games, a flop in which no two cards are of the same suit. E.g., “The flop was an ace-9-7 rainbow.”

RAKE: The amount that the house takes out of a poker hand.

RING GAME: A standard poker game in which money is wagered during each hand.

RIVER: The final of the five community cards.

ROCK: Slang for a “tight” player.

RAISE: To wager more than the minimum required to call, forcing other players to put in more money as well.

ROYAL FLUSH: An ace-high straight flush, the best possible hand in standard poker.

S: It is short for suited which means that they have the same suit. So S K7 means that the King and the Seven have the same suit.

SB: It can stand for Small Bet or Small Blind, depending on how it’s used in the sentence.

SNG: It refers to one of the most popular Texas Hold’em poker tournaments, the Sit N Go Tournaments.

STT: It is the opposite of the previous term; it refers to tournaments with one table, as it is short for Single Table Tournament.

SATELLITE: A tournament with a smaller buy-in that pools all the entrants’ funds and awards seats to a higher-value tournament rather than cash. Satellites give players the chance to enter an expensive tournament by winning or placing well in a less expensive tournament.

SEMI-BLUFF: A bluff with a hand that has the potential to improve should the bluff itself be ineffective.

SET: Having a pocket pair that hits on the board, making three of a kind.

SHORT STACK: Having fewer chips than the rest of the players at the table or in the tournament.

SHOWDOWN: When, after the final round of betting, players turn their hands face-up. A poker hand will only reach a showdown if there are callers in the last round of betting, or if someone is all-in prior to the last betting round.

SIDE POT: Separate from the main pot. If one or more players are all-in, the pot to which the all-in players contributed is the main pot. A side pot is created from any additional money bet by the remaining players. There can be many side pots if there is more than one all-in player. An all-in player is only eligible to win a pot to which he has contributed.

SIT-AND-GO: A poker tournament that starts whenever a specified number of players have registered. As the name suggests, you “sit” (register), and, when there are enough of your fellow players to start the game, you begin, or “go.”

SIT OUT: This is when you choose to leave a table for a few hands. If a Player sits out for more than fifteen minutes or has missed two rounds of blinds, they are removed from the table.

SLOW PLAY: When, in an attempt to have other players stick around and possibly call your bets, you play your hand less aggressively than necessary. For example, if you flop a full house, it is unlikely anyone is going to beat your hand. Slow-playing the hand may allow the other players to make their hands and therefore continue to call your bets.

STRADDLE: An optional pre-deal bet, typically made by the player to the left of the big blind. The straddle amount is twice the big blind (same as a legal raise). The straddler earns the “option” from the big blind. He may re-raise when the action comes around to him. A straddle is a cash game convention and is not usually permitted in a tournament.

STRING BET: Placing a bet on the table in a staggered motion or multiple motions. String bets are not allowed, and the dealer will remove the added amount of the bet if he determines a bet to be a string bet. It’s not permitted because it could be used to gauge the reaction of other players before you commit the entire intended amount of the raise.

STRAIGHT: A hand consisting of 5 cards in sequence but not in suit.

STRAIGHT FLUSH: A hand consisting of 5 cards in sequence and the same suit.

TAG: It is a term used to refer to players who are aggressive and tight. It is short for Tight and Aggressive.

TELL: An interpretation of physical action or a betting pattern that seemingly reveals how strong or weak a player’s hand is. The best players do not provide many tells themselves and have the ability to detect tells of their opponents in order to determine how to play a hand.

TILT: Usually the result of taking a bad beat or series of bad beats, a player is said to be “on tilt” when he plays with reckless abandon. Presumably, the term derives from tilting a pinball machine.

TIME: Requesting more time to think. A player will call for time to avoid the dealer killing the hand due to inactivity.

TOP PAIR: A pair with the highest card on the board. For example, if you have an ace and 7 in the hole, and it’s a 3-4-7 flop, you’ve got a “top pair” with an ace kicker. If you had a pair greater than sevens in your pocket, you’d have an over-pair.

TOURNAMENT: A poker event involving one or more tables of players who each begin with a fixed amount of tournament chips. They play until they have either lost that amount, are the last player remaining holding all the chips, or the remaining players enter into an agreement to end the game.

TRIPS: Slang for three of a kind.

TURN: The fourth community card. Put out face-up, by itself. Also known as “Fourth Street.”

TPBK: It refers to the poker hand of players if they have a Top Pair with the Best possible kicker. It is short for “Top Pair Best Kicker”.

TPGK: Like the previous one but instead of the Best Kicker, it is a Good Kicker.

TPNK: It is when players have a Top Pair but with No Kicker.

TPWK: It is when players have a Top Pair accompanied by a Weak Kicker.

UNDER THE GUN: Player sitting in the first-to-act position. It’s the position immediately to the left of the big blind, pre-flop, and to the left of the button for subsequent betting rounds.

VNH: It is short for Very Nice Hand, it is when players if they had a good winning hand.

WPT: It is short for the World Poker Tour.

WSOP: short for the World Series of Poker, which is one of the biggest poker tournaments in the world.

WSOPME: Refers to the Main Event of the WSOP.

Action: Refers to a bet or a wager.

ATS: Short for “Against the Spread.”

Angles: Refers to a specific team or the league in general.

Added Game: A matchup that is not part of the daily betting rotation. ‘Added Games’ are often make-up or rescheduled games that were expected to be played on a previous date.

Alternate lines: Some sportsbooks may offer different (or alternate) point spreads that pay different odds for the same game. These provide bettors with more options to wager on certain games.

Arbitrage: Savvy bettors who try to scalp the market by playing both sides of a particular matchup, with hopes of cashing a middle.

BR: It is the same as in poker, as it stands for “Bank Roll,” which is the money the player has in his balance.

Bad Beat: It is a term used to describe a hard loss. For example, “He suffered a bad beat in his last match.”

Bad Beat: It is a term used to describe a hard loss. For example, “He suffered a bad beat in his last match.”

Beef: It refers to a problem or dispute between individuals or teams.

Bet or Wager: Placing an amount of money or anything of value on the outcome of a race or a match.

Bet Limit: It refers to the maximum bet that is accepted by a bookmaker on a particular bet.

Book: An organization or an individual that accepts wagers and bets on sporting events or races.

Bookie: The person that accepts the wagers himself but sometimes Book and Bookie are used to describe the same thing.

Bookmaker: Someone who accepts bets under the law.

Buck: Although in real life, a buck translates to $1, in sports wagering, it usually refers to $100.

Beard: Messenger bettor, used at brick and mortar casinos and sportsbooks if the real bettor wishes to remain anonymous.

Betting Trends: Stats that show the total amount of money wagered at a game.

Buying Points: Paying additional money to move the point spread in a direction you prefer. Often used in football, bettors will buy ‘on’ or ‘off’ key numbers to avoid losing by a point or two.

Chalk: The Favorite.

Chalk Eater: A bettor who always wagers on the favorite.

Circled Game: A game that is limited due to unexpected weather conditions or injuries.

Cover: Winning by more than the spread.

Churn: The effect of betting and re-betting money, similar to Arbitrage.

Degenerate: A compulsive gambler who keeps on betting whether he loses or wins.

Dime: $1000.

DOG: A team or a person who is expected to lose a match or a fight.

Early Money: The bets that come in as soon as the wagering lines are available to gamblers.

Edge: The advantage that is given to players or the house.

Even Money: Bets in which players will win the same amount they wagered. In other words, bets that pay 1:1.

Exotic Bet: Any bet that is not a parlay or a straight bet.

Exposure: The monetary amount the house or the bookie can stand to lose on a race or a game.

Extension: The monetary amount the house or the bookie will theoretically risk on losing a race or a game.

Fade: A bet against a specific individual.

Favorite: It refers to the team or person expected to win in a race or a match.

Figure: The amount owed to or by the bookie.

Firing: A term used to describe players who are placing many large bets.

First Half Bet: A bet that is determined by the score at the 1st halftime rather than the entire match.

Flea: A person who wants to win something without risking anything.

Form: The performance of a team according to studies on paper.

Franklin: Another term that refers to $100.

Fractional Odds: Not commonly used in the U.S. These are odds used mainly in Europe. Odds are listed in fraction form (1/10) instead of as a money line (-100).

Futures: Wagers where bettors can invest in the future outcome of a team to win a particular event, even if it isn’t in the near future.

Get Down: A term used to describe placing a bet.

Gross Win: The amount of winnings before deducting the expenses.

Grand Salami: A popular NHL wager where bettors handicap the total number of goals scored in all games for one day. Some sportsbooks may offer alternate versions for home, away, or periods of games during the day.

Handicap: Studying a sporting event or a race for betting purposes.

Handicapper: The person who studies a certain sport and makes predictions about the outcome of its matches.

Handle: The total amounts of the taken wagers.

Hedge: Placing a wager that is the opposite of your initial bet so you can reduce the amount of money you are staking on a game.

Hold: The percentage the house or the bookie wins.

Hook: It is ½ a point in spread betting.

Home Field Advantage: The advantage teams have when they play at their home stadium is because of the familiar playing area, the supporting crowds, and the negative effects of travel on the other visiting team.

Hoops: The sport of basketball.

Hot Tip: Information the bookmaker is not yet privy to.

In-Game Wagering: The ability to bet on a sporting event after the game has already started. Also known as live betting.

Juice: The commission the bookmaker will take off the winnings.

Key Numbers: Most often heard in pro football, the key numbers are the most common margins of the final outcome. The key numbers in the NFL are 3, 7, and 10 points.

Lay a Price: To bet on the favorite.

Layoff Bet: A bet that one bookie makes with another bookie to balance his bets and decrease his risk on a team or a horse.

Lines Maker: The person who sets odds or spread points on a sporting event or race.

Long Shot: The team or the player that does not have a lot of chances of winning.

Limit: Bet the opposite of your original wager in order to reduce the amount of action you have in a game.

Line: The betting proposition on a game and/or payoff odds on the bet.

Live Betting: See In-Game Wagering. Becoming more popular as most betting apps seem to have this feature now.

Lock: An easy betting win.

L3, L5, L10: Last Three, Last Five, Last 10

Money Line: A bet that does not involve a point spread; it is when the bettor picks the winner only.

Marker: Credit offered at Casinos.

Middle: To win both sides of a game. For example, if you bet the underdog +3 1/2 and the favorite – 2 1/2 and the favorite wins by 3, you’ve MIDDLED the book.

Nickel: A monetary amount of $500.

Neutral Site: An arena, field, stadium, or court where neither team has the advantage of the home field.

Odds: Different money lines or point spreads on a given match or contest.

Odds Maker: The person who is in charge of creating the odds on any sporting match but does not accept bets.

Off The Board: A game that does not exist on the board, which means that no bets for the game are accepted.

Opening Line: The money line or the point spread that is offered to bettors by the sportsbook or the bookie.

Out: Refers to illegal bookmakers and bookies.

Overlay: The odds when they are in the favor of bettors instead of the house or the bookie.

Parlay: A bet that includes more than one team, all of these teams have to win for the bet to be a winning bet.

Past Post: Placing a bet after the beginning of the match or the sporting event.

Pick’ EM or Pick: A game that does not have any favorites.

Press: Placing a bet that has a larger amount than usual.

Push: Matches that end in a tie.

Point-Spread: Matches that end in a tie. A number or line is set by oddsmakers to provide an advantage or disadvantage based on the margin of victory or defeat for the teams in the matchup. There is always a favorite (-) and an underdog (+).

Practical Hold Percentage: The amount won by a bookmaker divided by the total amount booked.

Public Dog: When betting trends lean heavily to an underdog.

Public Trends: Betting Percentages showing money and ticket count for games.

Puppy: Underdog.

Risk: The amount of money that is placed on an event or a game.

(ROI): Return on Investment. The amount of money you win on a wager, or your return on your investment or stake.

Reverse-Line Movement: When a line (point-spread) moves in the opposite direction of the betting percentages. Some pundits believe you can follow sharp money with reverse-line movement, especially when the trends and lines differ drastically.

Round Robin: A series of parlays. A three-team round robin consists of one three-team parlay and three two-team parlays

Rundown: Line update

Run-Line: A popular pro baseball wager where the favorite (-1.5) must win by two-plus runs to win or the underdog (+1.5) must win or lose by less than two runs to win.

Runner: See Beard

Scalper: A person who is trying to make a profit by placing bets on different bookies who offer different odds by betting on the two sides at different prices.

Score: To win a large amount of money.

Shortstop: A player who does not wager large sums.

Square: A gambler who is not sophisticated enough.

Stiff: A gambler who does not pay his debts.

Sportsbook: An establishment that accepts bets made on sporting events such as matches and races.

Straight Bet: A wager on one of the teams.

Sucker Bet: A bet with a large house advantage.

Systems: Specific systems and formulas that are used to determine the winning team to bet on in a match or race.

Scratch: Withdraw or cancel

Sharp bettors: Money wagered by bettors that a sportsbook operator respects. Sharp money often comes from large wagers placed by professional bettors. It should be noted that not all large wagers are considered Sharp.

Side: To win one side and tie the other. For example, if you lay -2 1/2 and take 3 on the same game and the favorite wins by 3 you have SIDED the book. The book has been SIDED

Steam: When the odds change because the money wagered on a game or participant is primarily one-sided. Some bettors will chase the steam thinking the other bettors know something they may not but instead they are just mostly all following the trend.

Tap Out: Losing all of the money, which leaves the player broke.

Take a Price: Bet the underdog, take the points.

Teaser: A wager used in football and basketball that allows bettors to combine two or more selections together while adjusting the points on those selections.

Tissue Price: The initial odds offered by the sportsbook. This price is usually considered a much fairer deal for the bettor.

Toke: A tip or gratuity.

Toss Up: Game where the line is close to a pick-em and either side is expected to win.

out Service: A business that sells opinions on sporting events.

Trend: Daily, Weekly, and Seasonal angles that bettors and handicappers often follow or fade in their wagers.

Triple Sharp: The sharpest of the sharp, (Note: There is no such term as “Double Sharp”).

Underlay: When the odds on a game are in the favor of the sportsbook or the house.

Underdog: The team or the individual who has a lesser chance of winning in a match or a fight.

Unit/s: Amount bet on a game.

Value: An overlay.

Wager: A bet.

Win Totals: A future wager that allows bettors to handicap the number of victories and losses of a team during the course of a regular season.

Common Terms:

Before going into the gambling terms, here are some of the general terms and abbreviations that are used by everyone in the online world, whether gamers, gamblers or social networkers. These terms include:

BRB: It is a term that is used by players who are away from their PC for a while and they will “Be Right Back”.

BBL: “Be Back Later”.

AFK: It is what players type to indicate that they will not be at their keyboards for a while as it’s an abbreviation for “Away From Keyboard”.

WB: A term that is used to welcome players who were away, it translates to “Welcome Back”.

LOL: It is a term used to show that the player is laughing or smiling at what other players said or anything that has happened in the gameplay. It is an abbreviation for “Laughing Out Loud”. Of course, it is known that everyone in the online world tends to overstate their reaction so when players say LOL, they are not actually laughing out loud, but they are simply smiling or chuckling.

ROFL: It shows that the player is overwhelmed with laughter due to what other players said or an event that happened. It is an abbreviation for “Rolling on the Floor Laughing”.

LMAO: It is another term that indicates laughter, it stands for “Laughing My A** Off”.

ROFLMAO: It shows that players are in a laughing frenzy and that they can’t help themselves, it is a mix between the previous two terms

“ROFL” & “LMAO” to translate to “Rolling on the Floor Laughing My A** Off”.

WTH: It is a term that is used to express shock or surprise; it stands for “What The Hell” or “What The Heck?”

PM: It is short for “Private Message” which is a message or a chat between two players in private.

WTG: It is a term that is used to show approval and encouragement, it is an abbreviation for “Way To Go”.

GTG: It is short for “Got to Go” which indicates that the player or the user has to leave.

OMG: It is another term that expresses surprise and disbelief, it is an abbreviation for “Oh My God”, “Oh My Goodness” or “Oh My Gosh”.

TY: It is used to thank players for what they said or did, it’s an abbreviation for “Thank You”.

TYVM: It is also used to thank players as it stands for “Thank You Very Much”.

NP: It is what players say to respond to TY or TYVM, it’s an abbreviation for “No Problem”.

BTW: It is an abbreviation for “By The Way”.

ATM: “At the Moment”, for example, “ATM, I do not have enough money to cover the bet”

Newb – Noob: It refers to a new player who does not yet know how to play.

STFU: It is a rude way to ask someone to shut up, it stands for “Shut The F*** Up”

FYI: It is short for “For Your Information” which is used to correct a statement or add to it.

WYD: Short for “What are you doing?” Basically asking what someone is up to at the moment.

RN: “Right now!”

B4N: Short for “Bye for now.”

FTW: “For the win.”

JK: “Just kidding.”

LMK: “Let me know.”

NBD: “No big deal.”

TBH: “To be honest”

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